boss battle games code of conduct

If you attend any events, tournaments, or meet-ups at Boss Battle Games, you are automatically subject to the CODE OF CONDUCT.

Should a player or guest engage in any of the violations listed below, they will be subject to consequences. By entering our place of business, you are agreeing that you will abide by these rules.

Any players or guests UNDER 13 MUST have a parent or legal guardian over the age of 18 with them AT ALL TIMES.

 Please read through these rules before attending any events.

If you have any questions, please email bossbattlegamesindy@gmail.com 

  • 1) Engaging in assault, battery, physical harassment or abuse, or any other physical contact with any other person without their consent.

    2) Engaging in malicious bullying, baiting, trolling, or other non-physical harassment or abuse that rises to a level beyond commonly accepted trash talking.

    3) Using or threatening to use a deadly or dangerous weapon.

    4) Pestering or stalking any other person or otherwise not respecting any other person’s reasonable desire to be left alone.

    5) Engaging in discriminatory or hateful statements or behavior, including any based on race, color, ethnicity, nationality, citizenship, sex, sexual or romantic orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, neurodiversity, body size, or any other personal characteristics.

    6) Intentionally entering off-limit areas in the arcade.

    7) DDOSing, swatting, spreading malware, phishing, hacking into any other person’s accounts, or intentionally, recklessly, or negligently damaging, tampering with, or interfering with any other person’s property, platform, equipment, other possessions, or network connection.

    8) Scamming or engaging in fraud, impersonation, or defamatory statements or behavior against any other person.

    9) Tampering with a tournament, fixing any match or bracket, colluding, entering multiple times in a single tournament, substituting or being substituted for any other player mid-tournament or without good faith permission from the organizer, using disallowed game code exploits, or any other unsportsmanlike conduct or conduct that violates commonly accepted FGC tournament etiquette.

    10) Stealing, misappropriating, mishandling, or misrepresenting the amounts or uses of entry fees, prize pots, or any other means of cash.

    11) Creating a nuisance or hazard by neglecting personal hygiene, refusing to take appropriate hygienic or medical precautions, or engaging in or encouraging others to commit any hygienically or medically unsafe behavior.

    12) Advocating for, encouraging, being an accomplice to, or threatening to engage in any potential Violations.

    13) Evading or attempting to evade any disciplinary action taken under this Code of Conduct.

    14) Buying, selling, or using any illegal drugs in venue.

    15) Engaging in hateful or untrue statements about Boss Battle Games LLC or their employees, online and in person.

    16) Engaging in disrespectful behavior to Boss Battle Games employees, owners, or volunteers.

    17) Damaging or tampering with any arcade machines or equipment found within the business.

    18) Stealing any products, equipment, or property of Boss Battle Games LLC.

    19) Engaging in any behavior that results in a mall ban.

    20) This list of Violations isn’t exhaustive. Any other behavior that goes against commonly accepted standards or norms may violate this Code of Conduct as well.

  • 1) Recommendations of penalties for Violations of this Code of Conduct may include but are not limited to warnings, refusals of entry or use, disqualifications, suspensions, bans, referrals to mall security or platform administrators, referrals to law enforcement or other authorities, community boycotts, and so on. Participants who engage in Violations and are the focus of resulting Recommendations may not be entitled to any refunds or repayments.

    2) Boss Battle Games Tournament Organizers and Boss Battle Games employees (The Boss Battle Games Team) will have the ability to take in reports about and investigate any potential or alleged Violations and will attempt to maintain confidentiality throughout the Disciplinary Procedure.

    3) The Boss Battle Games Team will have the power to make Recommendations against any Participants found to have committed Violations.

    4) The Boss Battle Games Team will enforce disciplinary action in their own place of business.